My letter to the FBI

About me

 Grandfather of my father.

  My mom, my dad, uncle Mahmoud, uncle Ali, and me when I was an infant.

My Mother and I are in Tehran.

My Brother and I in my uncle Mahmoud’s home who had recently returned home from the USA introduced the concept of Christmas to us.

My Brother, my Cousins, and my aunt said farewell at the Mehrabad Airport in Tehran on route to English languages in Alvarado street in downtown Los Angelos, California.  “The beginning of the journey”,  a few months after graduation from Kharazmei High School, north of Tehran.

Hamid and I, my neighbor in Tehran and student in Montgomery College, Maryland.  He urged me to move to Maryland and attend Montgomery College in February 1977.

University Graduation Photos

Awards, certificates, and other accolades.

My grandfather, my father’s mom, dad, and I.  On my first trip back to Iran on a summer vacation in 1977.  

Now the pictures from 21st century

Frank’s Introduction to General Douglas Stone at United States Institute of Peace

Frank with US Major General Douglas Stone(USMC), meeting in United Institute of Peace in Washington DC, on 6-11-08. General called: 

“Opportunity Village Project in the Axis of Peace, “A Nobel Cause” and asked his assistant to coordinate the external security of Frank’s Project in coordination with the American Military, Collation Multi-National Forces, Local Military, and Police.

Frank with Major General Stone

3)  Frank and His Wife Nesreen met newly elected Montgomery County Executive Mr. Leggett in a town hall meeting in Potomac, Maryland. 

Frank mentioned to Mr. Leggett that he is a volunteer Cultural Ambassador for the Montgomery County Gilcrest Center for Cultural Diversity and the previous county executive selected Frank as one of the Montgomery County’s 300 best in a ceremony in the year 2002. Frank also said to Mr. Leggett that he voted for him even Frank votes with the other party in the Primaries. Also, Mr. Leggett agreed with Frank, while broadcasting lives in the Montgomery County Cable Channel that due to the shortage of land in Montgomery County we should build more vertically to resolve the housing and commuting challenges of our civil servants.

Frank met Mr. White in USIP in DC, a diverse, peace seeking Christian activist, British native, stationed in the Green Zone in Iraq. Mr. White has established: Iraq Institute of Peace (IIP). When Frank told Mr. White that Frank’s wife is Sunnie and he is Shiite and they have made peace. Mr. White smiled in response and said: “He is a Shiite Christian!”.  Frank later on realized, in a TV report that Mr. White also challenges with Multiple-Sclerosis.

His Excellency, Dr. Abdul Jabbar Sabit, Attorney General of Afghanistan

Date: Tuesday, June 24, 2008 in the USIP

Frank complimented Dr. Sabit’s efforts to combat corruption in Afghanistan and Frank compared Dr. Sabit’s to Elliot Ness in the movie The Untouchables. Dr. Sabit recommended to Frank to establish the 800 meter by 800-meter opportunity village in Bamian District. I suggest to all to listen to Dr. Sabit’s speech in, it is a revealing and sobering speech and his conversation with Frank is also is available for whoever is concerned. So Bamian here we come to you with the spirit of: “Reform, Prosperity and Peace “.

Frank for the first time met the Honorable President George W. Bush in Summer of 2008 in WHITE HOUSE NATIONAL FAITH-BASED AND COMMUNITY INITIATIVE CONFERENCE ON “INNOVATIONS IN EFFECTIVE COMPASSION”, President Bush’s creation for 7 and a half years “Serving those with the greater needs”. 

Lets say: COMPASSION DOES NOT STOP AT THE USA BOARDERS. “Our nation is inspired by compassion and generosity”
Click here: Faith-Based and Community Initiatives

Frank supported the re-election of Governor Ehrlich because for the first time in Maryland we had a cabinet-level representative for the physically 
challenged citizens and Mrs. Cox running with him is also disabled.  Frank supported Lt. Governor Steel for the US Senate, he was hoping for the first 
time a capable and intellectual, descendants of the original African Americans could serve in the US Senate. As Dr. Rice said:  “Slavery, a birth 
defect in America’s inception”. On a positive note, the city of Gaithersburg which is my town used to be an Underground Rail Road 
during the Civil War.  Interestingly, Maryland is located south of the Mason-Dixon line.

Frank’s Home, front yard in  Gaithersburg, Maryland during 2006, Midterm Election

Frank (AKA Mohandas Fouadi to Mr. Rashed) met Mr. Haji Rahed, for the second time during the Islamic celebration in the Islamic Education Center in Potomac Maryland. Mr. Rahed from Yazd, Iran was first introduced to Frank in Dubai, UAE by another common Yazdi friend Mr. Mohammad Ali. Mr. Rashed, Mr. Mohammad Ali, and Frank used to go for long walks in Dubai after he finished his Moharam speeches in the Lari Housseineh before Frank discovered his physical challenges due to MS. Frank finds Mr. Rashed a gentleman, scholar, and a family man with a great scene of humor. Mr. Rashed hosted a family program on Iranian TV in Iran. 

Mr. Jahed and Mr. Karimi kindly introduced Frank to the Honorable Ambassador of Afghanistan, in the Washington DC Embassy. 
Mr. Ambassador recommended having the opportunity Village designed in such a way that to be self-sustainable, so Frank thankfully
followed the Ambassador’s lead.  

The Opportunity Village is economically sustainable, civil, diverse, compassionate, safe, welcoming, and a learning/teaching community with an enterprising atmosphere. In another word, a mini Montgomery County, Maryland, the USA for all to appreciate and learn from the governance of a successful and time-tested civil society that was established in the year 1776. With respect to the local culture and values to be considered and details to be adjusted before the final design is materialized in any country.

Frank had the pleasure of meeting the Honorable Egyptian Military Attache and his Honorable wife in the Egyptian Embassy in Washington DC in a Military Celebration, honoring the Egyptian Armed Forces.

Frank mistakenly attended the military reception in the Egyptian Embassy instead of cultural reception and when General noticed Frank’s lapel badge saying:” Support President Bush and Our Troops”, General gracefully invited Frank to join the party. Later on, Frank and General became friends, and the Honorable General Family and Frank’s family visited each other and shared their thoughts and emphasized the cooperation of the USA and Egypt in maintaining global peace, especially in the Middle East. 

On 07-30-08, Frank met Iraqi Minister of Interior, H.E. Mr. Jawad al-Bolani in the United States Institute of Peace in Washington DC(
Honorable Ambassador of Iraq (Gentleman to the left of the picture) translated for Frank to the Minster al-Bolani with regard to the prospective location of “Opportunity Village”, in Nusekhan between Najaf and Karbala.   

H.E. Mr. Jawad al-Bolani, shaking hand with Frank in the picture agreed that Nusekha is a good place for the “Opportunity Village” 
to be manifested, God Willing.

In the above picture: Mr. Babak of PAAIA and Fariborz’Frank and in the following an open letter from Frank to PAAIA for the sake of global peace and hopefully, fostering the positive Iranian-American cooperation. 

Dear Mr. Fouladi,

Thank you for your kind words and for your support of PAAIA.  It means a lot to us. 

Have a great weekend.

All the Best,
