My letter to the FBI


God willing, cease fire in Palestine, now and negotiate the
2-States solution. Enough is enough

Fariborz Frank Fouladi on February 21st, 2023, Bethesda Maryland suburb Washington D.C. USA. A registered Republican but an Independent Diplomat.

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“Governer Erlich, I support you in your re-election efforts to bring economic prosperity to Maryland for 4 more years.
Your genuine care for disabled citizens of Maryland is admirable.”   – F. Frank Fouladi

Frank and his children, Mohamad-Houssein and Nour campaigned for then Lt. Governor Mr. Steele whom was running for the Senate of the USA
(2006) from the free State of Maryland. Mr. Steele was our first African-American Lt. Governor, a Gentleman and Scholar.  In the
convention of the Republicans of the Montgomery County, Maryland in February 2009, frank announced to his fellow Republicans that he is
going to respect, honor and serve our democratically elected Commander-in-Chief, regardless of the political issues, specially in these
challenging times. As Americans, United We Stand and Divided We Fall, please give President Obama a break, at least until mid 2011 to re-
introduce peace, unity and prosperity to our great Nation.

Fariborz “Frank” Fouladi, a Persian native and peace activist.

Frank as a Human Rights and Peace Activist conversed with Ms. Shirin Ebadi, a Nobel Laureate in on
02-02-09 in Washington, DC

Click here:

Fariborz “FRANK” Fouladi meets Mr. Rashad for a second time. 

Frank (AKA Mohandas Fouadi to Mr. Rashed) met Mr. Haji Rahed, for the second time during the Islamic celebration in the Islamic Education
Center in Potomac Maryland. Mr. Rahed from Yazd, Iran was first introduced to Frank in Dubai, UAE by another common Yazdi friend Mr. Mohammad Ali. Mr. Rashed, Mr. Mohammad Ali, and Frank used to go for long walks in Dubai after he finished his Moharam speeches in the Lari Housseineh before Frank discovered his physical challenges due to MS. Frank finds Mr. Rashed a gentleman, scholar, and a family man with a great scene of humor. Mr. Rashed hosted a family program on Iranian TV in Iran.

Frank also asks Mr. Rashad, “why are you in your sermons encouraging your audience to cry?”  He answered, “Mr. Mohandas, there is a power in tears which you are unfamiliar with.” Click here: Roadmap to create an Opportunity Village in a Free Trade Zone.

Click here: US State Department’s Impression of Fariborz “Frank” Fouladi.

Click here: Frank as a Peaceseeker on Youtube.

“Money Trumps Peace”.
-George W. Bush